Follow me through the infinite as we drift forever...

As we flux from world to world, you'll find wonders beyond your dreams...YW5kIGhvcnJvcnMgYmV5b25kIHlvdXIgc2hhbGxvdyBwZXJjZXB0aW9u

Where it all began...dG8gZ28gc3RyYWlnaHQgdG8gaGVsbA==

Our vision of space is so primitive and simple minded, yet so much remains to discover

Will you join me on this journey?


It will be exciting i promise

Consider this a little teaser:


Exciting isn't it?

Wlm'g ollp zg gsrh, gsviv'h gsrmth lfg gsviv gszg blf xzm'g vevm rnztrmv, zmw ml nzggvi dszg, WLM'G OVG GSVN HVV!

01/03/2025 - U3